One of the most common traits of this generation will have the tendency to be environmentally conscious about their living situation. Obtaining and implementing eco-friendly habits into your home can save you money on your monthly utility bills and eliminate a significant portion of your carbon footprint. The good news is, you don’t have to be a part of this generation to add these features to your home. Thus, the following list includes a couple of ways you can begin to create an eco-friendlier home for yourself and the environment.
Install Solar Panels
One of the most common reasons why homeowners shied away from solar panels was due to their high price. However, innovations in technology and competition have brought the cost of solar panel technology considerably lower. Although still seen as a significant investment, it is not out of the range for many homeowners. Choosing to opt-in for solar panels allows you to avoid tapping into energy sources utilized by your city. If you are still on the fence about purchasing this technology and the cost associated with it, take comfort in knowing that you can now fully automate your home to include smart energy monitoring that you can control from anywhere you find WiFi. Most governments offer tax credit incentives for homeowners that add solar energy and in some cases energy monitoring devices to their home.
Energy Efficient Water Heaters
Over the past few years, the water heating industry has begun to create more energy-efficient products, due to several reasons, such as innovations in technology and added energy mandates by governments. However, most of these options also affect the environment and might not be the best fuel to use to create an eco-friendly home. So, what can you use? A very popular option at the moment is Energy Star approved geothermal heating. It will take an investment on your part, but it is one of the cleanest methods to heat your home. Use that with an Ecobee Smart Thermostat, and you’ll notice that you start controlling energy and that it isn’t controlling you.
Smart Thermostats
One of the most popular devices recommended by not only the Department of Energy but environmentalists is the use of smart devices such as smart thermostats. This lack of control regarding home temperature has made it very difficult to keep energy consumption and costs low. Fortunately, innovations in technology have finally allowed homeowners to not only control their cooling and heating when they’re away from their homes but also find the right balance of consumption. These devices slowly begin to understand your routine and will adjust temperatures depending on your lifestyle. Ecobee is famous for offering all of this an more.
Let In Natural Light
The introduction of natural light into your home is one of the best ways to avoid using electricity to light up the house. It may worry some homeowners who prefer to have as much privacy as possible. Luckily, there are ways to go around this issue. Installing frosted glass windows is an excellent alternative to putting up curtains. Consider installing motorized shades and blinds as a viable option. Natural light will come into your home, but you can do so without sacrificing your privacy. If you don’t want to install entirely new windows, there’s also the option of putting a frosted film on your existing windows.
Custom Build It
If you’re an individual looking to purchase an eco-friendly home, you might not have too much luck. Although eco-friendly homes are certainly in high demand and on their way, the reality is that there aren’t enough of these types of homes to go around just yet. So, what can you do? Because you’re a buyer, you might be able to order an eco-friendly custom home. Homebuilding companies can use custom home designs to make your home more energy-efficient. By choosing this route, you are not only saving money in the long run but also making sure every aspect of your home is eco-friendly. Let’s not forget that several smart home integration companies can retrofit existing homes creating luxury and value. For a complete list of available homes in Central Texas, contact Ellen Steele of Realty Solutions.
Motion Sensor Lights
Energy to run lights is used the most when it’s not needed. Kids, teenagers, and even some adults will go room by room, turning on lights and lamps and forget to turn them off. It leads to the entire home running electricity for no reason. Not only can this cause you high energy bills, but it’s harmful to the environment. A great way to prevent this issue from occurring is to install motion sensor lights within your home. This means that when someone exits a room and doesn’t come back after a while, the lights turn themselves off, thus saving energy.
Use Your Washer Correctly
A shocking fact about washers is that over 90 percent of their energy is used to heat the water. By merely utilizing your cold-water settings on your machine, you can save an astonishing 1,600 lbs. of carbon dioxide emissions over an entire year.
Transforming your home into an eco-friendlier version of it can be a daunting experience. However, with the right approach, anyone can make it happen. With a few simple changes, you can easily make your home impact the environment less.
Here at Smarter Homes Austin, we can help you monitor your energy so you can make your carbon footprint a little smaller. Check out what we have to offer!