The holidays signal the year coming to a close, which means it’s time to start thinking about the new year to come. Traditionally, we make resolutions or vows to improve certain things within the new year, so why not think about getting that maintenance plan that you’ve been considering since last year.

There are times that a maintenance plans sounds good at the time of purchase but it ends up falling by the wayside amid all of the big projects going in. If you think about it, that’s taking a big risk, especially with a smart home. By participating in a maintenance plan, you can avoid potential issues with your smart system down the road. So it’s best to have a plan where those potential problems are addressed before they have a chance to happen.
Now you may be wondering what maintenance plan is going to be the best choice for you. At Smarter Homes of Austin, we offer two tiers of maintenance – both of which are very sufficient in sustaining your smart home system throughout the year. Our maintenance plans come with certain perks that make your life hassle free. If you want a little more protection, try the upper tier of our maintenance service plan and add monitoring. If there is ever an issue, our remote mediation team is alerted and the system is corrected before its usually ever noticed.
To learn more about our maintenance tiers and service please visit our maintenance page at the following link:
Try either tier of our maintenance plan and begin your hassle free year.